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An opportunity for all curious students

of Yoga to dive deep into the Self.

Recognized by Yoga Alliance International, Employment and Social Development Canada and Revenu Quebec


Who is this program for?

Whether you wish to cultivate the skills to transmit the teachings to others, or simply looking to explore yogic studies to deepen your own understanding and personal practice, we welcome all curious students of yoga and life to study and learn with us. 


Our 200 hour teacher training program is designed to assist in personal development as well as providing all the prerequisites to becoming a certified and qualified yoga teacher. You will leave this training with a deeper understanding of yourself and your personal practice; and prepared to share these teachings with clarity, authenticity, and confidence.

What will you learn / explore?

  • The ethical guidelines for teaching and living yoga

  • The fundamental idea behind yoga philosophy: the deep connection with the Self

  • The fundamental principles of teaching asana and pranayama; how to see and understand the human body, the principles of alignment, and the use of props

  • The subtle body and the Ayurvedic constitutions to better understand yourself and others

  • How to liberate your voice through chanting and reciting mantras (naada yoga); as well as pronouncing, reading and writing basic sanskrit words to keep the tradition alive.


The Leading Faculty


Program Director, E-RYT 500, Founder of Institut Yoga Essentiel


E-RYT 500, C-IAYT, Director of Open Sky Yoga, MA in Ethnomusicology


​Founder of Nrityoga®, Choreographer, Teacher of Sacred Dance/Mudras and Yoga, BA in Anthropology


Co-director of At The Core, Vedic Counselor, Certified Yoga and Meditation Therapist, Ayurvedic Educator & Treatment Therapist


Certified Yoga Teacher, Thai Yoga Massage Therapist, MA in Psychology ​


MKT, NT, RM. Creator of The Body Blog. Author of Connect: A Practical Guide to Fascia.

For full bios, click the photos. 

A format to support your schedule

Online or In-person Participation
For hybrid modules: choose between attending an interactive live stream from your home, or participate in person. Some modules are online only.
 to all modules is mandatory for certification.* 

*If the student is absent, they may be asked to submit a report after reviewing recordings of material covered.


The Curriculum

155 contact hours, 45 non contact hours (homework, teaching practicums, personal development)


Asana, Art of Teaching, Practice

Saturday and/or Sunday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm (EST)

Oct 3-5*, 2025 (*Oct 3: Orientation 6:30 - 8:30 PM)

Nov 1-2, 2025

Dec 6-7, 2025

Jan 10 & 31, 2026

Feb 28-Mar 1, 2026 (*Mar 1 from 8:30 - 1:00 PM)

April 11-12, 2026

May 2-3, 2026

May 30-31, 2026

June 6-7, 2026

Teacher: Josephine Vittoria (In-person or online)

Asana, Art of Teaching, Practice

The students will study yoga asana with emphasis on postural alignment. They will learn the fundamental principles of teaching: how to practice and teach yoga asana (postures) including demonstration, observation, assisting and correcting. The students will learn modifications of the asanas and how to use yoga props. The benefits and the contraindications of the poses will also be explored thoroughly. The following postural groups will be taught individually throughout the training for a thorough understanding of each of their benefits: Standing Poses, Forward Bends, Backbends, Rotations, Inversions, Restorative Poses. An introduction to the practice of Dhyana (meditation), a basic spiritual practice for quieting the mind and getting in touch with our deeper Self will also be explored throughout this course.

The students will practice teaching, assisting and correcting others. They will observe others teaching, and learn to give and receive feedback. The student will also document and record one on one sessions with students of their choice. The teacher will provide written feedback on all recorded and documented sessions. 


The students will learn communication skills such as group dynamics, time management, use of language and voice, and the establishment of priorities and boundaries. They will learn how to address the specific needs of individuals to the degree possible in a group setting. The students will also learn about class structures and sequencing. 


Anatomy and Biomechanics

Sunday 8:30 am - 12:00 pm (EST)

Nov 9, 2025
Dec 14, 2025
Jan 11, 2026 (until 1:00 pm)

Teachers: Tania Cucciniello & Josephine Vittoria (In-person or online)

Fascia & Kinesis

Sunday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (EST)

Feb 1, 2026

Teacher: Tania Cucciniello (In-person or online)

Anatomy and Biomechanics


This course will introduce the basic anatomical and physiological principles essential for understanding the human body. Studying human anatomy may seem intimidating, however this module proposes an interactive and fun approach to delve into this complex material, focusing on relevant information to enrich your understanding of your yoga practice. Understanding our structures and how our joints work is essential in order to respect our limitations in our bodies, and ensure a safe practice for all students. Learning the muscular chains enhances the possibility of visualizing the body during asana practice, and develops our understanding of practice; taking it to another level.

Part 1-3:

  • The Skeletal System (our structure)

  • The Nervous System (what stems from our structure) 

  • The Muscular System (what muscles attaches to our structure and the nerves that innervate them)

Fascia and Kinesis

This module will introduce the wonderful world of fascia! Fascia can be described as a mobile connective tissue that envelops the entire body, from the top of the head to the tips of the toes without interruption. This will be a practical module focused on demonstrating the role of fascia in the body, plus its relation to anatomy through movement. It will also demonstrate ways to identify compensations and imbalances throughout the body, along with ways to correct them. By the end of this class, your proprioception and interoception will be enhanced, and you should feel confident on how to teach others how to do the same through movement.

Part 4:

  • Fascia & Kinesis (what surrounds all these structures and how to keep our structural integrity!) 


Pranayama and Naada (Yoga of Sound)

Saturday, February 14, 2026 (half day)

9:00 am - 1:30 pm (EST) 

Sunday​, Feb 15, 2026 (half day)

9:00 am - 1:30 pm (EST) 

Teacher: François Raoult (online only)

​Pranayama and Naada Yoga


Pranayama is one of the most efficient ways to silence the mind and open the doors of perception. Breath becomes a steady guide towards deeper states of meditation. Pranayama is also the energy behind the voice and mantra, which enhances the resonance for healing. This module will explore the connections between Ayurveda and pranayama, the therapeutic aspects of pranayama, as well as chanting and music. 


This module will also explore: 

  • The Bandhas and their health benefits (e.g., prevention of incontinence, enhance metabolic function, etc.)

  • The anatomy of breath (what is the normal/natural breath function) Ujjayi, viloma, bhastrika, kapalabhati and nadi shodhana

  • Pranayama for pacification of each dosha and sattvic direction for optimal breathing function

  • Active and restorative asanas to enhance breath and prepare the pranic field

Breath will also be explored as a mantra (e.g., various ways of chanting Om (Aum) including basic over toning). The students will also learn pranayama and its counter-indications in specific ailments. The practice of the shruti box will also be explored.


Energetic Anatomy (The Subtle Body)

Saturday, March 14, 2026

10:00 am - 3:30 pm (EST)

Sunday, March 15, 2026

10:00 am - 3:30 pm (EST)

Teacher: Amrita Choudhury (In person or online)

Energetic Anatomy : Four Parts


Mudra Vigyan: A compliment to healing through Yoga Mudras

Mudra Vigyan is the science of healing through Mudras (symbolic therapeutic hand positions). Each finger represents Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Ether. Touching upon the hundreds of nerve endings which influence the whole body at a cellular and atomic(energetic) level; this practice affects the body, mind & spirit of one's being, aids in healing, and can be an important aspect of yoga asanas. This segment goes into the in-depth wisdom of ancient Yoga Mudras, Ritualistic, Therapeutic & Sacred dance mudras, and their therapeutic & healing usages.The teacher will guide you through various hand mudras in combination with eye, breath, & visualization techniques which aid in various physical, emotional & spiritual healing. Theory, technique, breathwork, practice, movement, all are incorporated in this class series. Special attention is given to how mudras can be incorporated in yoga practices & teachings.

Chakras and Nadis 

A comprehensive introduction to each of the seven chakras residing in the subtle body. This segment highlights the physical, biological, emotional, & energetic significance of each chakra. Participants will learn how to incorporate this ancient wisdom into some of their asanas & teaching practice. Both Sanskrit & English terminology will be used to offer a complete view of the energetic chakra system from the ancient Indian Yogic perspective. Participants will also learn about how the flow of the Kundalini energy through each chakra affects the energetic and emotional body.


The human body is also known to have 72,000 nadis that help carry prana (energy) to each cell. Various asanas in combination with breathwork activates certain nadis. We will be exploring the main 3 Nadis : Ida, Pingala, and Sushmana, and how the cosmic force(Shakti) is able to travel through the spinal column through the nadis and unite with the Siva located in the crown chakra. This union at the energetic level, represents the grand union with one’s higher self.


The Five Vayus and Five Koshas

In Sanskrit “Vayu” means “wind”. The ancient yogis considered Prana (one’s life force energy) to have five different vayus or “flowing winds”.  Each Vayu has special energetic qualities and functions. We will be exploring the 5 main Vayus (Pancha Prana), that yoga practitioners can incorporate into their yoga practices and teachings. The five Koshas (sheaths) will also be covered. 

The Three Gunas

In Ayurveda, the sister science of Yoga, Gunas or strands of life, weave us together to achieve a higher objective in this universe we reside in. Knowledge of the Sattva, Rajas, & Tamas Gunas, are particularly important for yoga practitioners  to understand how they are able to shift their focus inward for each asana. Understanding these attributes,helps build the path that leads to Sattva – a state of serenity, balance, & contentment. This wisdom helps the practitioner incorporate this aspect within each asana.


Humanities : History & Philosophy, Ethics, Sanskrit

History and Philosophy of Yoga


Teacher: TBC

Yoga Ethics and Lifestyle 

Friday 6:30 - 8:30 pm (EST) 

Oct 31, 2025

Dec 5, 2025

Jan 9, 2026

Apr 10, 2026

Teacher: Josephine Vittoria (online only)

Introduction to Sanskrit

Saturday, January 10, 2026

1:00 - 4:00 pm (EST)

Teacher: Mirabai Mosca (in-person or online)

Yoga History & Philosophy 

Yoga is a way of life, a philosophical path to understand reality. The practice is there to help  grasp the theory.  What most people know of yoga are the asana (postures). They are one small part of many yoga practices. The fundamental idea behind yoga philosophy is the connection with ourselves;  what we are, after shedding all the layers, in our core. That connection is what makes us feel content and complete. In this module, the students will delve deeper into the study of the origins of yoga. They will learn about the four major paths of yoga: Jnana Yoga, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga. Vedanta philosophy is introduced, as well as most relevant classical scriptures: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and The Bhagavad Gita.

Yoga Ethics and Lifestyle

The students will learn and study the eight limbed path of yoga according to the sage Patanjali. The yogic code of conduct, or moral and ethical guidelines (social and individual): the Yamas and the Niyamas, are taught in depth.

Introduction to Sanskrit

In this module, the students will explore the pronunciation and meaning of relevant sanskrit words in yoga : names of postures, mantras, and theoretic terms and concepts. The students will also learn the devanagari alphabet and simple grammar rules to be able to read and write in Sanskrit. 


Introduction to Ayurveda

Saturday, Nov 8, 2025 (half-day)

9:00 - 1:00 pm (EST) 

Saturday, Dec 13, 2025 (half-day)

9:00 - 1:00 pm (EST) 

Teacher : Yogesh Van Acker (online only)

Introduction to Ayurveda

Explore the concepts of Ayurvedic thinking and practicing yoga as a part of your life. This course teaches enthusiastic students of yoga, to understand the subtle anatomy of Ayurveda and its compliment to healing with Yoga. This will deepen and personalize your yoga practice. 


Early Bird until June 1, 2025

$3150.00 CAD

Regular Tuition after June 1, 2025

$3300.00 CAD

Tuition includes $500.00 deposit (non-refundable) to be paid upon registration. 

Tuition is tax deductible.

Additional fees

Application fee (non-refundable) $50.00 CAD

Certification fee (only applicable to students who wish to receive a teaching diploma, due at the end of the training) $150 CAD


Access to video recordings of all modules for a limited time, course material (pdf, documents),

access to additional practice hours at Institut Yoga Essentiel, teaching practicums at Institut Yoga Essentiel


Required books, Yoga Props, Registration to Yoga Alliance International (optional) 

Institut Yoga Essentiel is registered with Yoga Alliance International. This program is recognized and approved by this federation to certify you as an international Certified Yoga Teacher (CYT-200) online and/or in person.
In addition, Institut Yoga Essentiel is an accredited educational and training institution recognized by Employment and Social Development Canada and Revenu Quebec.

Any questions?

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+1 514 862 5674

Institut Yoga Essentiel Inc.

2215 ave Beaconsfield, #105

Montréal, Québec H4A 2G9

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© 2024 Institut Yoga Essentiel Inc.

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